Exploring the Dynamics of Student Motivation and Behavior: A Qualitative Analysis of Influencing Factors and Effective Interventions


  • Mahmudulhassan Faculty of Islamic Studies, Islamic Arabic University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Muhammad Abuzar Faculty of Psychology, University of Malakand, Pakistan
  • Saif Uddin Ahmed Khondoker Faculty of Islamic Studies, Darul Ihsan University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Obydur Rahman Faculty of Arabic Language, Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia




student motivation, behavioural dynamics, qualitative analysis, influencing factors, effective interventions


With an emphasis on the importance of student involvement, counselling, and mental health services, this study intends to investigate the variables that affect students' motivation and conduct in higher education settings. The objective is to comprehend how these components assist students' academic and personal goals, improve their learning experiences, and promote a healthy campus environment. Using focus groups, and in-depth interviews, a qualitative research methodology was used. A wide range of participants, including academics from several disciplines, counsellors, mental health specialists, and students, provided data for the study. To find important trends and insights about student motivation, engagement, and behaviour, a thematic analysis was carried out. The findings reveal that intrinsic motivation, nurtured by a supportive and inclusive learning environment, is a critical factor in students' academic success. Counselling and mental health services were found to be pivotal in helping students manage psychological challenges, thereby sustaining their motivation and positive behaviour. Additionally, there was a high correlation found between behaviours that support learning and personal growth and students who actively participated in extracurricular and academic activities. The report also emphasizes how crucial a supportive campus environment is for boosting student motivation and creating a feeling of community. The findings imply that fostering inclusive, encouraging settings that increase intrinsic motivation ought to be a top priority for higher education institutions. To enhance student results, it is advised to provide access to counselling and mental health services, as well as to encourage student engagement through leadership development and community-building activities. These strategies are vital for cultivating a positive campus climate, ultimately contributing to the overall success and well-being of students.


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How to Cite

Mahmudulhassan, Abuzar, M., Ahmed Khondoker, S. U., & Rahman, O. (2024). Exploring the Dynamics of Student Motivation and Behavior: A Qualitative Analysis of Influencing Factors and Effective Interventions. Solo Universal Journal of Islamic Education and Multiculturalism, 2(03), 195–206. https://doi.org/10.61455/sujiem.v2i03.202

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